About me

My name is Mike and I'm an enthusiast photographer based in the US Pacific Northwest. Professionally, I'm a software product manager at a well-known technology company.

Self-portrait taken on film on my way back from a sunrise hike in the Washington state.

I started my journey with landscape and nature photography as a teenager in 2006 and my works quickly garnered international acclaim. They were exhibited all over the world, published by BBC and National Geographic, and repeatedly awarded in the most prestigious competitions.

And then, I took a break... for almost a decade. I'm now rediscovering photography with fresh eyes, a different mindset, and in the interconnected world that's vastly different from the one in 2006. A lot has changed.

While nature and landscape remain my favorite themes, I've been experimenting with other genres. Nowadays, you'll also find me shooting urban landscapes, portraits, street, travel, architecture, or even daily snaps. It's all part of the rediscovery.

Solo backpacking adventure at the Pacific coast in Olympic National Park. Taken on film.

I use various cameras. From high-resolution modern Sony equipment, to a digital point-and-shoot Ricoh, to a drone, to a 35mm film camera, to a custom-made, 3D-printed medium format film camera with a large format lens. I reach for the camera that the mind or the heart calls for on a given day. I'm not obsessed with gear, so it won't become the main theme of this blog.

The posts will focus on photographs, the creative process, and the photographic journey. Learn why I started this photography blog by reading the first post:

Why I Started This Photography Blog And What To Expect From It
Blog is a vehicle to empower other photographers, record own thoughts and memories, and connect with the community.