Why I Started This Photography Blog And What To Expect From It

Blog is a vehicle to empower other photographers, record own thoughts and memories, and connect with the community.

Why I Started This Photography Blog And What To Expect From It
Foggy morning by the lake. Ricoh GR IIIx.

Why am I sharing anything with anyone?

This blog is a personal experiment. More of a journal than anything else. It is a space to jot down my own thoughts, share my fascinations, and connect with the community. It's a personal touch to the SEO-optimized, copy-pasted, AI-generated content on the web. I hope to help others through this process.

I have three goals in mind:

  • Empower other photographers to create more and better images.
  • Record my own thoughts and memories.
  • Connect with the community.

Why blog?

Do blogs make any sense in the modern world of Instagram posts, 10-second TikToks, well-crafted YouTube videos, or podcasts? I believe so. Writing helps generate clarity and structure thoughts, text is easily scannable and searchable, and a personal blog removes dependency on online platforms controlled by corporations with divergent goals and sometimes questionable practices. Blogs may also be a welcome escape from the social media craze.

I find written communication much easier and more efficient to consume than ad-filled YouTube videos or lengthy podcasts that can be summarized in five sentences. TikToks or Instagram posts aren't designed to go beyond the surface, they just scratch the itch and never get to the details.

The modern media isn't bad. It's just different and complementary.

Architectural details. Ricoh GR IIIx.

What to expect from this blog?

For now, I aim to help others in their photography journey by spreading inspiration, motivation, and how-to tips.

I am keeping the path forward open and I don't want to impose any limits on the form. Some posts may be short and resemble daily journal entries. Others may be thorough trip reports, in-depth analyses of photographs, or interviews with other creators. Let the evolution and natural selection decide.

How to stay up-to-date with the posts?

The best way is to subscribe to this blog. As a subscriber, you will receive a monthly email with the summary of the published posts and exclusive content.

If you are an old-schooler, you can subscribe to the RSS feed. However, subscribing via email will give you access to exclusive content you won't find in the RSS feed and it will also help me in maintaining this blog.

See you in the next posts.